Emergency Medicine || Nutrition || Web Development

Dr Tsanko Stefanov

As an emergency doctor and nutritionist,

I am committed to improving
health and well-being in critical times.

Medicine is my calling, and I strive to impact lives positively, combining immediate care with guidance towards healthier living.

My passion for web development is driven by a love for continuous learning and the transformative power of technology. This website blends healthcare and digital innovation, offering insights and experiences that embody my dedication to excellence and empathy. Join me in exploring the synergy of health, nutrition, and technology for a healthier, more informed society.

Hi, I’m Tsanko, and I am privileged to blend my expertise as an emergency doctor, nutritionist, and web developer, dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the health and well-being of our community.

My mission is to merge these diverse skills to create a healthier, more informed society.

Join me in forging a healthier, more inclusive community.

Support my work by subscribing to my monthly program on PayPal, and be a part of this impactful journey!

DRTS, Dr Tsanko Stefanov, emergency medicine, web development, nutrition, sport, logo

Sofia, Bulgaria

Manchester, United Kingdom

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